Information and Notices

 Notice to Destroy Records:  Pursuant to A.RS. 41-1351 and the General Records Retention Schedule for School Districts.  Special Education Records will be destroyed "four" 4 years after the fiscal year of final enrollment”.

Model Creek School will destroy all special education records that are older than four years after the fiscal year of final enrollment.  Before these records are destroyed, parents and /or eligible students have the right to review the records and obtain copies of any information needed.  To schedule an appointment, please call Model Creek School office at 928-427-3347.  For example, Fiscal Year 2023 will result in the destruction of records dated on or after August 1st, 2027. 

Safe Return to In-Person Instruction Plan (ESSERIII):  Please see the attachment below.

Vision & Hearing Screenings: YCESA Nursing Program offers vision and hearing screening in the fall and spring.  Please see the events calendar for dates.

Resources for Arizona Parents:

Child Find:  See event calendar for dates.  Please see the notice attached below.

Notice of Pesticide Application:  see below

      Next scheduled dates: Mondays - January 27, March 24, May 26, July 28, September 22, and November 24, 2025

      Please see the attached notice below.  Click on the arrow to download the notice.

Herbicide Notice / Weed Abatement

     Next scheduled date: TBA

     Please see the attached notice below.  Click on the arrow to download the notice.

Title I Parent Information

     Please see the attachments below.

     The annual Title I/Homeschool Meeting will be held on July 25, 2024. Please see the notice below.

Homeless Information

     Please see the attachments below.

Gifted Education

    Students eligible for the gifted program must meet the State of Arizona's criteria.  "Students shall be served who score at or above the 97th percentile on national norms in any one of three areas - verbal, non-verbal, or quantitative reasoning on any test from the state board approved list."  Students may be referred by classroom teachers or by performance on a standardized achievement test.  Parent permission is required for testing.  For more information on gifted education, please see the AZED website:

Bus Evacuation Drills

      Bus evacuation drills will be held on the following dates:  Oct 22, 2024 and Feb 18, 2025 

JICFA© (Hazing Policy):  There shall be no hazing, solicitation to engage in hazing, or aiding and abetting another who is engaged in hazing of any person enrolled, accepted for or promoted to enrollment, or intending to enroll or be promoted to District schools within twelve (12) calendar months.  For purposes of this policy a person as specified above shall be considered a "student" until graduation, transfer, promotion or withdrawal from the District school. 

"Hazing" means any intentional, knowing or reckless act committed by a student, whether individually or in concert with other persons, against another student, and in which both of the following apply:  A.  The act was committed in connection with an initiation into, an affiliation with, or the maintenance of membership in any organization that is affiliated with an education institution.  B.  The act contributes to a substantial risk of potential physical injury, mental harm or degradation, or causes physical injury, mental harm or personal degradation.

"Organization" means an athletic team, association, order, society, corps, cooperative, club, or similar group that is affiliated with an educational institution and whose membership consists primarily of students enrolled at that educational institution.

It is no defense to a violation of this policy if the victim consented or acquiesced to hazing.

In accord with statute, violations of this policy do not include either of the following:  A.  Customary athletic events, contests or competitions that are sponsored by an educational institution.  B.  Any activity or conduct that furthers the goals of a legitimate educational curriculum, a legitimate extracurricular program, or a legitimate military training program.

All students, teachers and staff shall take reasonable measures within the scope of their individual authority to prevent violations of this policy.

Students and others may report hazing to any professional staff member. 

Professional staff members must report the incident to the school administrator or next higher administrative supervisor, in writing, with such details as may have been provided.  A failure by a staff member to timely inform the school administrator or next higher administrative supervisor of a hazing allegation or their observation of an incident of hazing may subject the staff member to disciplinary action in accord with District policies.  The staff member shall preserve the confidentiality of those involved, disclosing the incident only to the appropriate school administrator or next higher administrative supervisor or as otherwise required by law.  Any instance of reported or observed hazing which includes possible child abuse or violations of statutes known to the staff member shall be treated in accord with statutory requirements and be reported to a law enforcement agency.  

To assure that students and staff are aware of its content and intent, a notice of this policy and procedure shall be posted conspicuously in each school building and shall be made a part of the rights and responsibilities section of the student handbook.  Forms for submitting complaints are to be available to students and staff in the school offices.

Disposition of all reports/complaints shall be reported to the Superintendent.  The Superintendent will determine if the policies of the District have been appropriately implemented and will make such reports and/or referrals to the Board as may be necessary.

All violations of this policy shall be treated in accord with the appropriate procedures and penalties provided for in District policies related to the conduct and discipline of students, staff, and others.

Sexual Harassment:  see policy ACA and ACA-R (

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of sex in educational programs or activities which receive Federal financial assistance.

The Title IX Coordinator has three roles: 

   (1) To ensure and encourage equal opportunity

   (2) To provide means of redress to individuals who allege unlawful discrimination

   (3) To foster an inclusive an welcoming environment, reflective of the diversity of our community.

The District's Title IX coordinator is Deanna Hurst,    928.427.3347

(training completed on September 15, 2023 through the AZ Risk Retention Trust)   

The investigator and decision maker will be hired through YCESA and the Trust.

OCR Office:  1244 Speer Boulevard, Suite 310, Denver, CO 80204-3582, (303) 844-5695,

Please see Policy ACAA and ACAA-R below.


The School Board is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination in relation to race, color, religion/religious beliefs, gender, age, national origin, sexual orientation, creed, citizenship status, marital status, political beliefs, disability, home language, family, social or cultural background in all matters concerning staff members, student, the public, education programs and services, and individuals with whom the Board conducts business.

Summer Reading Program

Please join the Yarnell Library for their Summer Reading Program.  Current research indicates the more you read, the more you learn.  Always encourage your children to read, read, read! It does make a difference.

Safe Return to In-Person Plan - Template 09.07.2023.pdf
Bug B Gone 2025.pdf
Notice of Herbicide 03-21-2024.pdf
Annual Meeting - Title 1 & Homeschool July 25, 2024.pdf
FY24 FC Transportation Plan.pdf

Rule: "You will protect each other's privilege to receive an education free of harmful words, actions, or disruptive behaviors."

Bullying, Harassment, Intimidation.pdf
ACA-E Sexual Harassment Complaint Form.pdf
NCHE youthposter_eng.pdf
NCHE parentposter_eng.pdf
NCHE youthposter_sp.pdf
NCHE parentposter_sp.pdf